The next time you want donut but it’s time for dinner, why not combine the best of both worlds and make yourself a Luther Burger? Said to be a favorite of late, R&B singer Luther, this is simply substituting a glazed donut in place of buns when making your favorite burger creation. If you’re a fan of combining sweet and savory, this may be a home run. Looks like a winner to us!

Be it the...
Titanic Donut
Rocket Man Donut

If Starbuck can be define an individual by the coffee they drink, he is a Carmel Machida and she a low fat, no whip, Frappuccino.. hen why not  the iconic donut? Maybe the donut would have better served Freud in determining different personality traits. Much more welcome I am sure then ink blots!


With a comucopia of donuts to choose from there must be that ‘erfect’ one that describes the essence of who YOU really are! Let us reflect on the newest line of donut launched by “inema Circles”. All their donuts are named after movies that one can identify with.

The first is the Titanic Donut , this donut is for those who laugh and make merry. Covered with iceberg frosting, hidden in this donut, is ten times the cholesterol of any other they sell. After eating just one, YOU sink from the fat you just consumed!

Next on their menu is the Rocket Man Donut.  This one was created is for all those work alcoholics, college students cramming for finales, working mothers and assembly line workers. It contains five shots of Red Bull, enabling any over achiever, to Rochet through anything!